Home of Quality Handmade Crafts!

Adorable, functional Frog Banks!
Shove a coin down the throats of these stuffed fabric frogs and it lands in the one-pint
Kerr jar base for safekeeping! Unscrew to retrieve! Fabrics may vary. $19.95 each.

"Home Sweet Home!" Old Wood Welcome!
"U S A" Hanging!
Made with multi-color torn Old barn wood with grape-
Torn fabric strips and
rags and red wooden hearts. vine wreath and flowers. painted wood stars.
Approx. 15" long. $14.95. Approx. 15" long. $14.95. Approx. 18" long. $14.95.
Braided Denim Wreath!
Approx. 10" wide. Your choice of flowers and wooden hearts. $14.95
To my other web page:
Rosa Roca Miniature Horses